SageGlass® is the pioneer of the world’s smartest dynamic glass and is transforming the indoor experience for people by connecting the built and natural environments.
Electronically tintable SageGlass tints or clears on demand to control sunlight and prevent heat and glare without the need for blinds or shades. SageGlass dramatically reduces energy demand and the need for HVAC by blocking up to 91 percent of solar heat. As part of Saint-Gobain, SageGlass is backed by more than 350 years of building science expertise that only the world leader in sustainable environments can provide.
SageGlass® VARIO
SageGlass electronically tintable glass dynamically controls sunlight to optimize daylight, maintain outdoor views and enhance occupant comfort by preventing heat gain and glare. It can be managed by an intelligent control system or manually through a wall switch or mobile device, adapting to external conditions or to user-specific requirements to ensure thermal and visual comfort and improved energy efficiency.
25.02.2021, SageGlass
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