Early in 2019, futronic received an order from PT Mulia Glass, the Indonesian glass manufacturer, to modernise one of the production lines at a plant south-east of Jakarta, the country’s capital city.
The project specifically concerned Line 4, comprised of a glass moulding machine and a welding machine for making glass blocks. The specialists at futronic drafted new circuit diagrams and adapted the software; one particular challenge was that all sensors and actuators on the production line needed to be integrated into the system. In the meantime, the line is up and running smoothly and reliably.
The customer was so happy with the way the project went that plans for a follow-up order were announced immediately afterwards. And that second order has now arrived: in October, futronic was asked by Mulia Glass to retrofit another of its lines. This newest project entails a revamp of Line 3.2, which apart from a few minor details is almost identical to Line 4. futronic’s technicians will be required to exchange controls, drives and wiring and there will also be a new human-machine interface (HMI), customised in part. The modernised plant will go live sometime in 2021 – though it’s difficult to say exactly when owing to Covid-19.
11.02.2021, Futronic
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