French perfume and cosmetics glass manufacturer, Verescence, plans to invest €1.3 million in its bottle decoration plant, Verescence Orne, located in Écouché-les-Vallées.
The site will benefit from state aid to accelerate its investments in the automation and robotisation of its equipment, as well as in the digitisation of production monitoring.
Hélène Marchand, General Manager France at Verescence, stated: "Since 2010, Verescence Orne has benefited from more than €15 million of investments to gain agility and increase its production capacities, while improving working conditions.
"We are very proud to be one of the winners of the regional industrial investment acceleration fund as part of the ‘France Relance’ plan.
"The support of the State and the Region is essential to carry out our projects related to Industry 4.0 and to gain in competitiveness."
Founded in 1958, Verescence Orne promotes its expertise on various finishing processes internationally: silk-screening, hot stamping, acid-etching, lacquering, sandblasting and gluing of accessories.
It is one of the two decoration sites of the Verescence group in France.
The plant employs about 250 people and processes about 650,000 bottles a day.
10.02.2021, Verescence
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