V-Block Technology, which prevents the growth of microorganisms on glass surfaces, has been launched on the market by Paşabahçe - Şişecam's glassware brand.
The ultra-hygienic Paşabahçe product range treated with V-Block Technology stands out for being the world's first and only antimicrobial glassware.
Paşabahçe’s initial V-Block product range includes various tumblers, tea glasses and saucers, mugs and bowls. Paşabahçe V- Block products additionally offer 24/7 hygiene.
These features make the V- Block range ideal for household, hotel, cafe and restaurant uses during the pandemic and the new normal.
The revolution of the V-Block Technology comes not only from its special formula but also from its application technique. The special formula is applied during the production under high temperatures therefore stays active during the full life cycle of the glassware.
Paşabahçe V-Block products claim to contribute in the fight against the pandemic by providing protection for places especially with high contamination risk, such as hotels, restaurants, cafes, hospitals, and cafeterias.
Paşabahçe products featuring V-Block Technology were tested by accredited laboratories and confirmed to be effective on micro-organisms by The Ministry of Health of Turkey.
Paşabahçe V-Block products are also scratch-resistant, food contact and dishwasher safe. Consumers and businesses with the need for hygiene in their spaces will find Paşabahçe V- Block products effective and helpful.
09.02.2021, Pasabahce
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