The German HEGLA Group has announced in January 2021 that it will expand its customer and service activities in the Asia/Pacific and MENA regions.
Mak Kwan Hoong, who is Vice Chairman of the Singapore Glass Association since many years, will become head of the newly founded representation of HEGLA Trading & Service GmbH in Singapore, expanding the HEGLA Group’s customer coverage in the Asia/Pacific region.
Marcel Dagher, founder and co-shareholder of Huda Al Hashmi Industrial Equipment Trading LLC (HIET) will become head of the newly founded representation of HEGLA Trading & Service GmbH in Dubai, expanding the customer coverage and service activities of HEGLA in the MENA region with his team of employees.
‘We are delighted that Mr Mak and Mr Dagher will contribute their many years of experience in the glass industry to the HEGLA Group and strengthen our activities within these strong growth regions,’ said Jochen H. Hesselbach, CEO of the HEGLA Group.
Bernhard Hötger, COO of the HEGLA Group looks forward to the future cooperation with Mr Mak and Mr Dagher, who HEGLA is familiar with from a number of previous projects. ‘HEGLA is proving its commitment to expansion in these regions to provide its customers with superior advice and more comprehensive service capability,’ said Bernhard Hötger.
08.02.2021, HEGLA
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