AYD Float Glass CO was founded and established in 1975 in Batman Turkey.
The company produces various kinds of Float Glass, Tinted Glass, Reflective Glass, Laminated Glass, Patterned Glass, Solar Glass, Mirror Glass, Proceseed Glass
AYD Float Glass CO. delivers the highest quality products, at competitive prices and provides service to every customer that is second to none.
AYD Float Glass Co. employs highly qualified and experienced engineers and technicians.
Throughout it's entire history the company has always striven to be the best and differ.
Today the company has the greatest respect by the costumers and authorities for several completed projects.
The company activities are aimed at further improving quality through us of new technology along with innovative enviromentalist and more efficiency. AYD Glass CO has timely delivery Products with principles and it's reliability.
03.02.2021, Ayd Float Glass Co.
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