A few days before Christmas XPAR Vision concluded the year 2020 with the successful commissioning of the a new IR-D system at Stoelzle plant in Czestochowa, Poland. While committing to all protective regulations related to Covid-19 pandemic the technical teams of both companies performed and excellent job! A great thank-you to all who made this happen.
For Stoelzle Czestochowa the new IR-D system is added to multiple XPAR Vision systems already in place at the majority of their production lines.
Next to latest version of IR-D they operate other systems like IGC (automatic Gobweight Control) and BlankRobot for automated blank swabbing at their premium flint bottle production. Supported by remote training and assistance from the XPAR Vision consultant combined with Stoelzle Czestochowa’s approach with dedicated organizational embedding of Hot End sensor systems is a perfect example how to create maximum benefit of such technology.
The successful partnership with Stoelzle Czestochowa, by example, is representing the high standard XPAR Vision is aiming for with all customers and partners in the global container glass industry.
27.01.2021, XPAR Vision
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