The next interpack will take place from 04 to 10 May 2023 at the Düsseldorf Trade Fair Centre.
Messe Düsseldorf set this date in agreement with its partners and committees. Interested companies from the packaging sector and the associated processing industry will be able to register online at from the end of March/beginning of April provided all goes to plan. Exhibitors who were approved for interpack 2021, which was cancelled due to the pandemic, have already been able to reserve their stand positions for 2023 and will now be able to rebook when they register.
Components will take place in parallel with interpack. It is oriented towards the supplier sector for the packaging and processing industry. You can register for components in the same period as interpack by accessing and will regularly provide information on industry trends and innovations up until the next edition of both trade fairs.
The online presence of the upcoming interpack and components 2023 is also being built up and expanded.
21.01.2021, Messe Düsseldorf
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