O-I Foundation Gifts $50k to Facilitate COVID-19 Vaccine Access in the Region

Donation Kicks Off Fundraising Efforts for Education and Logistics Through VProject

O-I Glass, Inc. (NYSE: O-I) announced today that it has gifted $50k to the Victory Over COVID-19 Through Vaccination (VProject) through its O-I Charitable Foundation. As Northwest Ohio prepares to enter Phase 1B for vaccine distribution, the VProject is engaging more than 250 community leaders to ensure vaccine access and information to all populations represented in the area.

Through the formation of committees, the VProject coordinates the logistics, education and communications to remove barriers for vaccine distribution. O-I is supporting the VProject in its goal to ensure that more than 70 percent of the population in Lucas and Wood Counties are vaccinated against COVID-19.

“O-I and its foundation are committed to taking an active role in the communities where we live and work,” said Andres Lopez, CEO of O-I Glass, Inc. “The VProject is an important initiative to raise vaccine awareness in Northwest Ohio and promote inoculation.  We are proud to kickoff fundraising efforts with a gift of $50,000. We look forward to continued collaboration with other community leaders to help move this project forward and support its mission to build knowledge and trust in the vaccine.”

The O-I Charities Foundation was established in 1937 to support charitable donations in the United States in the areas of education, the environment, social need and arts and culture. The Foundation annually donates more than $1.5 million to charities along with numerous grant programs. It also matches employee giving and provides longer-term investments in areas where the company can support broad movements for social change.

20.01.2021, O-I Glass

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