French glass manufacturer Stoelzle Masnieres Parfumerie started up its new furnace on Friday January 8.
It said the latest generation oven will reduce its environmental footprint while improving its productivity.
Etienne Gruyez, Chief Executive Officer of Stoelzle Masnières (right) said: "Despite the pandemic, Stoelzle Glass Group did not hesitate to invest €20m in the French Masnières factory, which is dedicated to the manufacturing of luxury perfumes and cosmetics.
“The new furnace will enable an increase in annual production capacity by more than 30%, to more than 100 tonnes. A positive message for our teams and our customers, mostly European and American.
“With the support of Dr. Cornelius Grupp, owner of Stoelzle Glass Group, these investments will enable us to significantly improve our position in this prestigious market in the coming years.”
Mr Gruyez added: "In 2020, an extremely difficult year for all industries, the right decisions were taken in Masnières by shutting down production during the two summer months and then scheduling the reconstruction of the furnace at the end of the year.
"Thanks to the addition of the 5th line, we will be able to strengthen our position in this segment."
As previously reported in Glass International, the perfume and cosmetics glass bottle manufacturer has invested €20 million in the plant, with a furnace supplied by Forglass.
New innovation and sustainability projects are being considered by Stoelzle, while continuing to develop partnerships with other suppliers and joining professional bodies to meet and share with glass industry players.
19.01.2021, Stoelzle
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