We mourn the passing of our former shareholder and chief executive officer
Dr. rer. pol. Konrad Wiegand
22.03.1937 - 01.01.2021
Dr. Konrad Wiegand was a member of the management board from 1965 to 1997 and shareholder until 2008. We mourn the loss of a great person, whose drive, outstanding entrepreneurial vision and his humanity had a decisive impact on the development of the company. For him "Life meant fulfilling a duty, and not a collection of pleasures".
For his life´s work he was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany as well as honorary citizenship of the municipality of Steinbach am Wald and the town of Großbreitenbach.
On behalf of the families Wiegand and Weber, the management board, employees and works councils of the Wiegand-Glas group.
15.01.2021, Wiegand Glas
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