Managing Director of MKD32 Matthew Demmon has become the new president of British Glass after a unanimous vote at the company’s Annual General Meeting.
Taking over from Saint Gobain UK’s Steve Severs, who has been president since 2019, Matthew begun his two-year term at the start of 2021.
Matthew has been a member of the British Glass board of directors since 2016 and has served as Managing Director at glass merchant and consultancy firm MKD32 since its foundation in 2012.
Commenting on the appointment, British Glass CEO Dave Dalton said:
“We’re thrilled to welcome Matthew as the new president of British Glass following Steve’s excellent two years at the helm.
“Having worked closely with Matthew during his time on the board of directors and with our work on the Scottish Deposit Return Scheme, I’m sure he will guide our organisation and our industry through whatever the next two years may throw at us.
“I’d also like to personally thank Steve the support he has offered both me and the wider team at British Glass, his presence has been invaluable during such a tumultuous time.”
Matthew Demmon said:
"I am delighted and humbled to serve as President of British Glass and will do my best to support the industry that I love and that makes such a diverse range of phenomenal products from an amazing material.
“The next two years promise to be a challenging time as we face the effects of the Covid-19 and Brexit but there is much to be excited about as we progress on the road to decarbonisation through ground-breaking research and development and continue to invest in our outstanding sector.
“I am thoroughly looking forward to assisting the team at British Glass, supporting our membership and grasping the opportunities that arise during my time as President.”
14.01.2021, British Glass
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