Sorg Group was required to offer commissioning and tempering at Consol Glass via remote support due to the coronavirus restrictions in South Africa.
The German engineering specialist supplied a 175 tpd 340S+ tandem forehearth to Africa’s largest container glass manufacturer, as well as a SCADA system for its Furnace C1 and two forehearths.
Keeping up to date with the individual rules of respective countries has been a challenge, especially when they often change on a daily basis.
Having supervised the installation of equipment and initial heating up of the furnace on-site, Sorg's specialists had to visit on a daily basis when lockdown started, before the furnace was eventually cooled due to a total alcohol ban and all work related to it.
As soon as lockdown was lifted there was a high demand for glass bottles, however with international travel still not allowed the specialist team was able to offer remote assistance.
Combined with the excellent work of Consol Glass personnel, it was possible to successfully and safely put the forehearth and SCADA system into full operation
12.01.2021, Sorg Group
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