New, advanced facility will serve growing Eastern Europe demand
Guardian Glass completed its first ribbon pull at its second float glass facility in Częstochowa, Poland to help meet the growing demand for high performance coated and fabricated glass products in Poland and throughout Eastern Europe.
The first pull of glass completes the plant’s startup, which began with the groundbreaking in 2018 and led to the start of the plant’s technologically advanced new glass coater on July 6.
“The new float line is the largest in the Guardian family of float lines,” explains Guus Boekhoudt, Guardian Glass Executive Vice President. “We’ve implemented an innovative new furnace design with high efficiency combustion systems in order to provide products that meet the stringent quality requirements of our customers, while minimizing both the energy used for production and emissions from the process.”
The plant, hosting two float lines, two coater lines and a lamination line, produces Guardian ExtraClear® float glass, Guardian ClimaGuard® low-emissivity (low-E) and Guardian SunGuard® solar control coated glass products as well as laminated glass for residential and commercial applications.
11.12.2020, Guardian Glass
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