Xaar 128 printheads at the heart of MapleJet’s new Hx Cartro IoT printer

The proven reliability and performance of the Xaar 128 printhead is central to the new MapleJet Hx Cartro printer, enabling it to deliver the precision and connectivity today’s Coding and Marking customers’ demand. 

Designed for developing markets, the Hx Cartro uses two stitched Xaar 128 printheads and is simple to use, flexible and connected with its cutting-edge Internet of Things (IoT) technology.  

IoT enabled printers drive operational efficiencies for companies and reduce the need for maintenance, as the printer itself can self-diagnose, allowing effective troubleshooting before any potential breakdown occurs. Each printer generates data at the point of print and can send this to the cloud, providing live reports for manufacturers, helping them control their inventory and production in real-time, and without intervention. This is increasingly important to many factories now as they have adapted to deliver Covid secure environments. 

Operators can control several Hx Cartro printers by simply using their tablet or smartphone via the intuitive web-based user interface that works through any browser. Without the need for other devices such as access points or servers, IT system security is maintained, and printers can be scaled as part of a large network to deliver additional flexibility in production. 

The Xaar 128 printhead’s track record made it the printhead of choice for the Hx Cartro, maintaining its position as the leading 17mm piezoelectric drop-on-demand printhead for the Coding & Marking print sector. Light and powerful, with a compact footprint and weight of only 16 grams, the agile printhead is ideal for everything from 2D data matrix coding and brand graphics to expiry dates and batch codes across both primary and secondary packaging.

Recent manufacturing optimisations have added a programmable circuit which offers advanced control and tuning of the printhead as well as better control of ink characteristics and print quality. 

Homayoun Shahrestani, CEO at MapleJet said: “The proven performance of the Xaar 128 printhead has enabled us to develop our new Hx Cartro printer, knowing that it has reliability built-in. 

“With its connectivity and performance, users can rest assured they have a robust solution for their needs and with its low maintenance and reliability. They have the perfect coding solution that requires minimum intervention in these challenging times.” 

10.12.2020, XAAR

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