India will have a new container glass producer in the first quarter of 2021.
An existing flat glass producing company, Emerge Glass will commence commercial production of container glass with a designed capacity of 210 tonnes per day at Behror in the Western state of Rajasthan.
Set up with an aim to cater to premium segments of liquor and food industries, the new container glass plant is expected to commence first batch of production in March 2021.
Sumit Gupta, Managing Director of Emerge Glass, said: "We have decided to venture into container glass production. We will cater to the premium end of the container glass packaging in food and liquor segments. Our priority would be the liquor business, which has grown immensely in the last few years.
"We realised there is gap between demand and supply and high quality glass containers in Indian market and liquor and food producers have to import these glass containers from foreign sources.
"We have procured 4 brand new advanced IS machines from Bucher Emhart Glass, and soon would be producing 210 tons of high-quality container glass per day."
Emerge Glass has a sheet glass production facility in Rajasthan that spans more than 80,000 sqm, including a 35,000 sqm built-up area and 20,000 sqm green area.
The company’s glass solutions are exported to Dubai, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Netherlands, Nepal and Bangladesh.
China-based Qinhuangdao Batch Technology has supplied the batch system for the container glass plant.
10.12.2020, Emerge Glass
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