While the material itself is very old – the first finds of glass are from the 7th millennium BC – glass products as well as production and production processes are quite the opposite:
Up-to-date, innovative, and constantly enhanced. It seems like the potential for future glass innovations is unlimited.
How to leverage this potential - especially with the help of digitalization - will be the focus of the panel discussion.
Panel participants:
The sessions will take place on December 10, 2020, 12:45 – 1.30p.m. CET.
We’re sure you’ll find answers to some of your most pressing questions and pick up valuable ideas for your business. Siemens Process Automation CEO Eckard Eberle and customers will share their insights with you and discuss how to tackle the challenges of digital transformation in the glass industry.
We’re looking forward to welcoming you to “reThink!“ and get impulses for your industry!
08.12.2020, Siemens AG
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