The winners of the Glass Focus Awards 2020 were revealed during the annual showcase’s first ever online ceremony.
Companies from across the glass supply chain gathered to celebrate the achievements of the industry over the course of a challenging year with nine awards handed out by a panel of industry experts on the judging panel.
Encirc took home three awards on the night including Company of the Year and Rising Star while Pilkington also claimed two prizes during the live-streamed event.
Other winners on the night included Ardagh Glass, Stoelzle Flaconnage, Stealth Case and Allister Malcolm Glass.
British Glass CEO Dave Dalton said: “While the last year has been an extremely challenging one for businesses and individuals alike across the whole supply chain, we were delighted to still be able to celebrate the very best of what the glass sector has to offer at an albeit very different Glass Focus awards.
“Despite everything 2020 has thrown at us, this year saw the highest amount of entries we have ever had for the awards across all the categories which is a testament to our industry and how durable, innovative and vital it remains to be.
“We’re proud of the achievements of everyone, whether they have created incredible innovative solutions, invested in reducing our environmental footprint, created beautiful designs or nurtured the future talent of our industry and we look forward to seeing what our sector can do across the next year.”
The full list of winners from Glass Focus 2020 are as follows:
Design of the year – container (sponsored by Packaging News): Carbon Sake by Stoelzle Flaconnage
Design of the year – flat (sponsored by Glass International): SaniTise by Pilkington UK
Innovative solution (sponsored by Glass Technology Services): New generation glass antenna by Stealth Case Oy
Health and safety action (sponsored by Arco): Wellbeing kiosks by Pilkington UK
Strengthening business through people (sponsored by Glass Worldwide): In It Together by Encirc
Rising Star (sponsored by the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers): Erin Miller of Encirc
Marketing Impact (sponsored by FEVE): Beauty, Artistry, Cherish Forever by Allister Malcolm Glass
Sustainable Practice (sponsored by Glass Futures): Briquettes project by Ardagh Glass
British Glass Company of the Year: Encirc
The full ceremony can be viewed here.
27.11.2020, Glass Focus
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