Recently GIMAV made public its official position that it will not participate in the edition of glasstec postponed by the organisers to June 15-18, 2021.
Vitrum President Dino Zandonella Necca has commented on its position, saying: “Preferring Vitrum over glasstec in 2021, the stakeholders in the glass processing technologies industry confirmed the urge to preserve and to strengthen Vitrum on global level, against opportunistic speculations that are far from the normal promotion of the products during the different fairs.
“We want to make Vitrum the only international event truly capable of promoting the excellence of Italy’s glass industry, showcasing the machines as well as the products and technological applications produced through our technologies.”
He added: “This decision fills us with pride and spurs us to do even more to make VITRUM capable of fulfilling this task.
“All the more reason for us to organise a great edition that sets the pace leaving a visible mark pointing the way to the new direction undertaken.
Vitrum intends to increasingly strengthen its role in favour of the entire international glass industry community.”
03.11.2020, GIMAV
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