Pakistan’s Tariq Glass’s second float glass line to commence commercial production soon.
Pakistan’s float glass and tableware producer, Tariq Glass will soon commence commercial production from its second float glass line. The new float glass line with an installed capacity of 500 TPD has been supplied by Chinese company Qinhuangdao Yaohua Glass.
After the commencement of commercial production, Tariq Glass will become the largest float glass producer in Pakistan with an installed capacity of 1050 TPD of float glass from two production units.
Company’s management stated: “Almost all the plant and machinery has arrived at site and the project is ready for the commissioning phase. "However, there are some delays in arrival of Chinese experts for commissioning and firing of newly built furnace due to the coronavirus. “The technical experts of the main machinery supplier have to check all the machinery and equipment assembly before putting the furnace in operations.
"The technical experts have not yet received formal approval to travel from their government. As soon as the experts are allowed to travel and flight operations are resumed between China and Pakistan, they will come over for their final go ahead.” Spread over a built-up area of 22,000m2, for Tariq Glass’s Unit-2 is located in Sheikhupura, Pakistan.
The new factory will almost double the company's production capacity. The company’s existing float glass (Unit–1) furnace will complete its campaign life by June 2021 and will be closed for a rebuild. Tariq Glass started commercial production of float glass in 2013 with an installed capacity of 550 tonnes per day.
The float glass plant was set up in technical collaboration from Chinese company Yaohua Glass.
30.10.2020, Tariq Glass
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