One of the two float furnaces at AGC Glass Europe's site in Boussois, France will be closed.
The flat glass manufacturer said the furnace had been on hot hold since April 1 as a result of the decline in glass demand due to the coronavirus.
The closure will result in 90 job losses out of the 220 staff. The group said it was now feeling the full impact of the economic crisis which has affected the construction and automotive glass manufacturing industries.
This has led to acute overcapacity, falling prices and a marked deterioration in the group's result overall.
It said: "In the absence of prospects for recovery in the medium term, and despite the remarkable efforts towards productivity and diversification made by all the Boussois personnel, the group sees itself forced to bring its manufacturing capacity into line with the current market situation."
The Boussois site (pictured) celebrated its 120th anniversary in 2018.
08.10.2020, AGC Glass Europe
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