Vitro Architectural Glass (formerly PPG Glass) has updated its Glass Design Handbook, a pocket-size resource for architects to use when drafting or reviewing glass specifications for building projects.
Updates to the architectural resource include recommendations on evaluating colour in glass samples and mock-ups, as well as opportunities to earn LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) credit through glass selections.
The eight-page booklet, which debuted in 2017 as the Vitro Glass Design Guidelines, highlights the eight factors specifiers and design professionals must consider during the glass design and specification processes.
The guide is available as a pocket-sized booklet from the Vitro Sample Order & Literature Fulfilment Centre and as a downloadable PDF on
Nathan McKenna, Manager, Marketing and Innovation at Vitro Architectural Glass, said the recent updates are based on Vitro Glass’s experience working with architects on glass projects and specifications.
“As architecture constantly transforms, glass design best practices also evolve,” he explained.
“Our latest Glass Design Handbook was revised to equip design professionals with up-to-date technical guidelines, help them avoid common glass design pitfalls and make the most of their glass selections.”
To order a copy of the Glass Design Handbook, visit
01.10.2020, Vitro Architectural Glass
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