The Sorg Group was given the responsibility of planning, delivering, constructing and commissioning the first glass melting system of the Wiegand-Glas plant in Schleusingen, Germany.
However, this major project had to be carried out and completed in the middle of the global Covid-19 pandemic.
It required a flexible approach by Sorg that gave considered the health and safety of many different companiesworking within the bustling construction site at every stage.
A regenerative U-flame tub for white glass, featuring a working end and forehearths was specially optimised for the needs of Wiegand-Glas.
Two completely sealed dog houses were also built utilising EME-NEND technology.
Rebuilding the entire plant, the project was successfully completed thanks to the exemplary behaviour and expertise of both construction management teams working in partnership to meet the high customer demands.
The complete system represents an industry milestone, with excellent levels of energy consumption, glass quality, emissions and maintenance.
25.09.2020, Sorg Group
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