Omco, a manufacturer of glass moulds, said it would acquire the business and its production plants in Hungary and South Africa.
The contracts have been signed and closing is targeted for September 30.
The acquisition of the production plants in Hungary and South Africa will enhance OMCO’s leadership position in the production of moulds for global players in the glass container market. T
The acquisition demonstrates its strategy of developing manufacturing capacity to serve the market needs geographically with technology and experienced people.
“The integration of the acquired organisation will take place over the next months. Investments in the production plants in Hungary and South Africa are expected to result in greater operational efficiencies and enlarge OMCO’s market supply in Europe and Africa. Clients of both of both companies will continue to receive highest quality products, as this has always been the standard practice with all the customers,” said Darko Ranogajec, CEO of OMCO.
Mark Ross, CEO of Ross International, added: “I am personally grateful to all who have contributed to the proud heritage of the Ross brand, spanning five decades of distinction in the industry.
“I am confident customers will be well served, and I wish continued success to our esteemed colleagues who will be joining the Omco organisation to continue the quest for excellence in Engineering, Technology, Quality, Delivery and Speed to Market on new product development.”
16.09.2020, OMCO
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