The French Minister for Industry was welcomed to two glassmaking plants in Northern France last week (Friday 4th September) as part of the country’s recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic.
Verescence’s Mers-les-Bains site was visited by Mrs. Agnès Pannier-Runacher, as part of the “France Relance” plan, while Pochet du Courval's factory in nearby Guimerville was also visited.
During the visit to Pochet du Courval, its teams were able to showcase their expertise and exchange on ongoing projects related to Industry 4.0 and decarbonisation.
The Minister also discussed with employees the support of talents through the training courses set up within Verescence.
In the context of the unprecedented crisis affecting the glass sector, Verescence will activate the necessary measures of the recovery plan to quickly regain the course of its Verescence 2022 business plan.
Verescence’s business plan aims to make the group the world benchmark in the sustainable beauty market, with the following main axes:
The “France Relance” plan, is a roadmap for the economic, social and ecological overhaul of the country following Covid-19 which will be rebuilt over the next ten years.
17.09.2020, Verescence
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