VPInstruments is proud to launch a new model of the 3 Phase Power Meter.
With the 3 Phase Power Meter you can measure the voltage and current of all three phases, thereby, providing a high-accuracy measurement of the real power consumption.
The new model 3 Phase Power Meter can handle a very wide range of voltages: the same meter can be used for all nominal voltages between 100 Vac and 600 Vac, with delta and wye configurations at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. With this one-size fits all model, selection is now very easy. The new model replaces all current models, leaving just one model for your measurement application.
The wide range 3 Phase Power Meter provides power, voltage, current, cos(phi) and many more electrical parameters. All of these are communicated via the RS485 (Modbus RTU) interface. VPInstruments 3 Phase Power Meter is the recommended power meter for permanent measurements. The 0.333 VAC CT inputs enables connection to universal current transformers. Or just rely on VPInstruments current transformers to complete the power measurement solution.
16.09.2020, VPInstruments
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