Glassworks "Neman" may start producing containers for baby food. This is one of the options for diversifying production, which is being considered by the government at the enterprise. This was announced by Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko following a visit to the plant.
“Here it was necessary to master some product that has industrial consumption volumes and is quite easily sold. Therefore, it was decided to engage in the production of glass wool and heat-insulating materials within the framework of production diversification. They are consumed not only internally, but are also successfully exported, in particular to the EU market. Today the question of whether it is economically worthwhile to increase the volume of glass wool production was considered, there are other types of heat-insulating materials. There is no solution yet. The question is at the stage of economic calculations. The issue of increasing the range of glass production in terms of import substitution is being considered. We now, for example, small-scale glass, where we import small-volume jars for baby food. But this is not normal with so many glass factories. Therefore, one of the options is to increase non-production of, say, heat-insulating materials, you can concentrate on small-scale glass, ”he said. The video recording of the press approach was published by the press secretary of the government, Alexander Isaev.
The Prime Minister confirmed that the plant will maintain the production of art glass. However, it cannot provide jobs for a large number of employees.
Roman Golovchenko expressed confidence that everything will be fine with the enterprise. According to him, the pandemic had a negative impact on the results of the enterprise, but in general they are not bad.
“If not for the pandemic, the results would have been more convincing, but, in principle, in terms of numbers, they are still quite good,” he said.
“I think everything will be fine with the enterprise. It has existed here since the end of the 19th century and will live for a very long time, I hope, thanks to the measures taken by the state to support it. A difficult situation and in general, probably, was for the glass industry, but the pandemic further exacerbated the issues of sales and supplies. In fact, all retail stores in the nearest consumer countries have been closed for a long time. But it so happened that in April the head of state decided to provide large-scale support to this enterprise in terms of deferring the payment of the debt that had developed here. Therefore, in fact, my visit is aimed at checking how these solutions are being implemented in terms of launching or giving a second wind to production, ”he added.
In April, a presidential decree was signed according to which the glass factory will not pay real estate and land tax until the end of 2044, and debt restructuring is also underway. The company received a deferral until 2041 and installments for 2041-44.
According to the report of the plant located at the EPFR, last year the company received revenue of 41.8 million rubles. It has remained practically unchanged in comparison with 2018. At the same time, the net loss decreased 15.8 times to 3.18 million rubles. The company's long-term liabilities amounted to RUB 101.19 million at the end of 2019.
22.08.2020, Steklosouz
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