China Glass 2020 is pleased to provide an update about location and schedule.
As it was postponed, the organizer has been paying close attention to the development of the COVID-19 epidemic situation in China and internationally, maintaining close communication with relevant institutions of the Shanghai Municipal Government and the expo centre, and actively discussing the new date.
It is now reported that at present, the domestic epidemic prevention and control work have achieved significant results. However, as Corona still persists, quarantine requirement and travel restriction in many countries will bring a lot of effects. In order to ensure the health and safety of exhibitors, visitors, and relevant staffs, protect the interests of each party, and guarantee the exhibition effectiveness and experience, the Chinese Ceramic Society has made prudent consideration and decision that 31st China International Glass Industrial Technical Exhibition will be rescheduled to 6 – 9 May 2021 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre.
China Glass will keep focusing on the latest trends and innovations in the global glass industry, spread the new ideas of intelligent manufacturing and green development.
08.07.2020, Chinese Ceramic Society
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