Press releases report that the company has announced to close Mannheim location for the production of solar glass (cast glass) and also the transformation hereof in this factory by latest mid of next year.
Over 140 persons, most of them in production are concerned hereof.
Main reason for the closure was the fact that the location could not be operated efficiently and suffered from lack of customer requests and orders.
A report in Pressebox also includes Wilsdruff (Saxonia) into the plans for closures.
It is said that production will be shifted to other locations within Europe.
About Saint Gobai Solar, Mannheim
Founded in 1853, our location in Mannheim is steeped in history and has produced the ALBARINO extra-white patterned glass for solar applications since 1979. Both our glasses and our location have continued to develop and adapt to market demands ever since. The Mannheim location became SAINT-GOBAIN SOLAR GLASS in 2005 and has established itself as a successful glass supplier. Our employees set great store by exceptional quality – for both the raw materials and the end product. Thanks to our modern, fully integrated and automated production facilities and our high standards, the Mannheim location has become a pioneer in the manufacture of solar glasses. Here we will continue to focus on the location’s core area of expertise: the industrial manufacture of tempered glasses for photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, building-integrated photovoltaics and greenhouses. This also includes cover glasses for solar thermal collectors, glasses with pronounced structures, and the application of anti-reflective coatings.
26.06.2020, Saint Gobain
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