Stewart Engineers' AcuraCoat® CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) system deposits a very thin layer of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) onto glass, transforming standard glass into an anti-viral, high margin product.
Typical uses include sneeze guards, dividers, counter tops, appliances, windows and more. Whether it's flu season or Covid-19, TiO2 will help prevent the spread of disease.
The Stewart coating's protective properties eliminate the spread of many microbial organisms, converting ordinary flat glass into:
AcuraCoat® Hot Integration
Shutting down a float line is an extremely costly, time consuming, and energy intensive process. Fortunately, it is possible to retrofit any existing float bath to accommodate the state-of-the-art AcuraCoat® CVD glass coating system. The float line will remain operational with virtually no interruptions to production.
Profitability of AcuraCoat®
Using the AcuraCoat® CVD system yields higher margins on coated glass products when compared to non-coated or sputter coated glass products. As an added benefit, no ribbon interruption means float lines will remain profitable throughout the installation process.
AcuraCoat® CVD systems are far more profitable than Sputter Coat counterparts for several reasons:
08.06.2020, Stewart Engineers
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