Dip-Tech Automotive Black digital ink provides a high-performance, solution tuned to automotive industry standards
Dip-Tech, the digital ceramic glass printing business unit of Ferro, is pleased to announce that it's Automotive Black digital ink has shown excellent results in recent months at top automotive factories.
AGC NordGlass Poland, as well as Fanavid and High Glass, both located in Brazil, have been using Dip-Tech Automotive Black digital ink with their Dip-Tech NEra V and Dip-Tech GPi printers and produced excellent results and stable production, highlighting its exceptional Green Strength performance.
“The general quality is great, and we are very happy with the ink performance. The wide firing range gives us the option to achieve the exact color we want.” Says High Glass CEO, Mr. Salesse.
Composed of a ceramic verifiable composition of glass frits, pigments, and other required additives, Dip-Tech Automotive Black digital ink (CASS_0772) advantages include a wide firing range, gloss, high opacity, dark black shade and exceptional chemical resistance of “Toyota 144" tests for 9 microns fired ink layer.
Cass_0772 is a product in Dip Tech’s Automotive solution package intended to address the automotive industry demanding standards and intensive mass production capacities. It includes both machinery and a special set of inks for a variety of automotive applications.
Using Dip-Tech NEra V and GPi printers with Automotive Black digital ink enables glass processors to create the shades and opacity levels required for automotive glass, while meeting the industry standards for chemical resistance, mechanical durability, and more. The extensive, successful production proves that they deliver outstanding performance for automotive glass.
08.06.2020, Dip-Tech
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