Mexican glass container manufacturer Glass&Glass plans to install a second furnace at its manufacturing plant in Altamira, Tamaulipas.
The 200 tonnes a day furnace is scheduled to be ready by summer 2021 and is being constructed to meet a growth in demand for the company’s glass products.
Glass&Glass was formed in 2011 and started production with a single 100t/day furnace and four lines in 2012.
It is dedicated to the production of glass containers and has a variety of type III quality products, designed to provide solutions to the perfume, wine and liqueurs industry, as well as household glassware.
Its customers include the perfume giant Fraiche.
Glass&Glass offers its services throughout Latin America and the United States.
As well as its manufacturing plant it has offices in Mexico City, Altamira, Monterrey, and Guadalajara.
An interview with the company’s General Director, Raymundo Morales, will appear in the June issue of Glass International.
12.05.2020, Glass&Glass
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