Online or in person this year’s Glass Focus Awards will be presented on 12 November 2020.
The British Glass Focus Awards 2020 will take place on 12 November to once again celebrate the achievements and success of the glass industry and its supply chain.
The awards will provide a platform to shine a light on the very best designs, workers and initiatives from the glass sector – highlighting the fantastic work that continues and adapts during uncertain and challenging times.
Awards will range from design of the year to sustainable practice with updated categories and criteria published in the coming weeks.
The awards are open to everyone, British Glass member or not, so everyone is encouraged across the glass supply chain to start thinking about the initiatives from within your business that could take home this year’s trophies.
Glass Focus 2019 was held at the Mercure St Pauls in Sheffield, take a look at all the winners for inspiration.
Dave Dalton of British Glass said: “The Glass Focus Awards are the showcase that displays to each other and the world the best of our industry.
"Now more than ever it’s important to look to each other for best practice, novel and innovative ways we can overcome the challenges we face as a collective.
“In these uncertain times is hard to know if we will gather in person for the ceremony in November – but rest assured, however we celebrate, the awards will shine a light on the key products, people and projects of the last 12 months."
Sign up to the mailing list to be the first to hear all about the Glass Focus Awards 2020.
08.05.2020, Glass Focus
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