North America’s largest glass recycler, Strategic Materials, has deployed a cloud-based Quality Intelligence platform at 31 of its plants.
Enact, from InfinityQS, will allow the recycler to standardise data collection and quality programmes at its plants.
It means quality professionals at Strategic Materials will gain real-time visibility, into the process performance within these plants—empowering immediate issue detection and corrections, as well as the cross-site analysis needed to drive continuous improvement.
Strategic Materials supplies recycled glass to manufacturers of glass containers, fiberglass insulation, highway bead, decorative glass, glass fillers, and other specialty glass.
Previously, the company used non-standardised data collection methods. As a result, plant personnel were required to manually enter quality data into separate spreadsheets for each process.
In addition to being time consuming, this method prevented consistent, regular quality checks and the timely discovery of issues.
Brad Bell, Director of Quality & Continuous Improvement at Strategic Materials, said: “Enact gives us a real-time, complete picture of all our processes.
"We use the system to closely monitor performance across facilities on a day-to-day basis. Most notably, we share Enact data with our customers every week.
"The reporting enables us to demonstrate—to current and future customers alike—that we are a consistent, worry-free supplier who produces a high-quality product.”
08.05.2020, Strategic Materials
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