Italian glass manufacturer Bormioli Pharma has completed the acquisition of GCL Pharma.
GCL Pharma is an Italian company that specialises in pharma closures.
Bormioli Pharma said: “It’s a new and relevant step in the right direction along our growth path, allowing us to serve the global pharma industry with more energy and renewed resources.”
The pharmaceutical glassmaker issued a binding offer of €8.9 million last month for GCL, which is a subsidiary of the Guala Closures Group.
GCL specialises in the production of plastic, rubber and aluminium closures for pharmaceutical applications.
In 2019 GCL Pharma recorded a turnover of approximately €8 million. The company’s main premises and production plant are located in Vasto, Chieti, Italy.
07.05.2020, Bormioli Pharma
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