German Batch Plant supplier EME has commissioned the second EME Batch House including automatic cullet return system for Mexican container glass manufacturer Industria Vidriera de Coahuila (IVC) at their plant in Piedras Negras.
After installation / commissioning of the first Batch Plant in 2012, EME has delivered our second Batch Plant in 2019 and commissioned it successfully before the Covid-19 pandemic.
IVC’s new Batch Plant supplies batch for furnace 5 and, a possible, furnace 6 with a total capacity of 950 tpd in flint and amber glass production.
The EME design integrated economic concrete silos with a head house in steel. State of art equipment made by EME engineering and fabrication
allows a high efficiency of the batch plant.
Raw material charging, weighing, mixing and batch transport is controlled from a specialized EME control system.
05.05.2020, EME
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