Keeping surfaces clean and hygienic is of course important for your health. Introducing new Ritec Disinfect-All™, a powerful all-in-one general cleaner and disinfectant to help you do just that.
Disinfect-All™ is so powerful that it deactivates MRSA, HIV Virus, Hepatitis B and C, C. Difficile and many other types of viruses and bacteria.
Highly versatile Disinfect-All™ works on most surfaces, including glass, metal, plastic, flooring, rubber and even upholstery. Disinfect-All™ also works on Ritec ‘non-stick’, easy-clean ClearShield Eco-Glass®*.
In short, Disinfect-All™ is ideal for most hard and soft surfaces in domestic, commercial and industrial applications, including floors, wall panels, washbasins, toilets and urinals.
Disinfect-All™ is now available from our secure online store for UK and Ireland residents in 500ml handy trigger spray bottles and economical 300ml concentrate refill packs (when diluted this will give you 1 litre of Disinfect-All™).
*If you have a shower protected with ClearShield®, you will still need to use Ritec’s specialist After-Care for Shower Glass to maintain your shower warranty.
24.04.2020, Ritec
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