High end glass bottle maker Saverglass is still operating in three continents.
It allows the company to locally manufacture, decorate and deliver glass bottles to their wine and spirits customers despite the novel coronavirus outbreak.
As of April, Saverglass global facilities are running close to full capacity and are continuing to supply the beverage industry as demand increases.
Saverglass resumed normal operations this week in Europe.
In America, the facilities are operating at full capacity. Its logistic organisations continue to function normally, including the local warehouses in California, Washington and Kentucky.
Régis Maillet, Group Marketing Director of Saverglass, said: “Our US sales teams are working remotely and continue to provide a full service to our customers, and with our facility in México, we have been able to easily facilitate shipping and operating logistics to the American market effectively. “
Glass manufacturing is considered an essential business in the US as well as the state of Jalisco in México, where the Saverglass plant is located.
It continues to produce and serve the North American market for premium and super premium wine and spirits. The facility is also operating its decoration services.
23.04.2020, Saverglass
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