Glassworkers from O-I and Stoelzle have produced face shield holders using 3D printing to help fight the Covid-19 pandemic.
Workers at Stoelzle Czestochowa in Poland have started to produce face shield holders using 3D printing.
They are assembled with plexiglass shields supplied by another company and then donated to a local hospital.
O-I is using its 3D printing capability to make face shield frames, which are a piece of personal protective equipment (PPE) for members of the Northwest Ohio medical community.
The medical staff are on the frontline of the Covid-19 crisis.
The glassmaker collaborated with local industrial automation company Robex to make the shields.
The face shields resemble a welders mask and add another extra layer of protection to healthcare workers to guard against airbourne viruses.
O-I is making frames to hold the shield.
The plan cam together over the Easter weekend. O-I delivered the first batch of frames on Saturday.
The face frames are reusable while 3D printing is 'as close to zero waste manufacturing as you can get' said O-I Director of Innovative Package Solutions, David Hoadley.
23.04.2020, Glass International
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