Italy’s Revimac has been selected by Siam Glass to supply IS machines and feeders to a new glass plant in Myanmar.
[rimg01}The container glass plant is a joint venture between the Thai producer Osotspa, parent company of Siam Glass, and Myanmar’s Golden Eagle.
It will be located in Syriam and is scheduled to be commissioned in the first quarter of 2021 to serve the local market.
Revimac will supply four IS forming machines complete with feeders.
Last year, Siam Glass selected Revimac as supplier of reconditioned section boxes for IS Machines installed in its plants in Thailand.
The complete project refers to the reconditioning of 46 sections that will renew five IS Machines.
The service of specialised Revimac personnel during the on-site installation and production start-up completed the scope of supply for this project.
21.04.2020, Revimac
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