Global glass tableware manufacturer Libbey Holland has partnered with Rebottled, a circular start-up from the Netherlands that creates sustainable glassware from used wine bottles.
Libbey EMEA and Rebottled have been in talks since 2019, exploring possibilities for a sustainable and scalable collaboration.
“Libbey is thrilled to be a part of this social enterprise,” said Antoine Jordans, VP & GM of Libbey EMEA.
“Rebottled are making products from used wine bottles. Libbey supports and contributes to these efforts by providing technical assistance and know-how, to crack off the used and pre-cleaned wine bottles and to convert them into drinking glasses.”
Libbey is also pioneering investments in new technologies, such as Clear Fire and OptiMelt in cooperation with Praxair, designed to improve energy efficiencies, and lower emissions throughout its manufacturing process.
With Rebottled, Libbey embraces a new challenge and welcomes up-cycling as well, participating in the process of giving a new life to an existent product.
09.04.2020, Libbey Holland
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