O-I Australia has partnered with The Kraken Black Spiced Rum to provide a premium glass packaging solution for the launch of its new premix varieties.
The bottles are made at O-I’s Melbourne plant and will also be recycled in Australia once consumed.
O-I Australia worked with The Kraken Black Spiced Rum over the course of a year to develop the look and feel of the new The Kraken Black Spiced Rum premix bottle.
Bayard Sinnema, Strategic Marketing for O-I said: “The Kraken’s brief certainly challenged both our design and manufacturing team.
“We love collaborating with high quality producers such as The Kraken Black Spiced Rum and enhancing the taste, on-shelf appeal, and sustainability credentials of their products with our infinitely recyclable glass bottles.”
In the case of the bottles, O-I Australia can complete the process from use to manufacture into another bottle in just thirty days.
08.04.2020, O-I Australia
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