Glass South America Postponed to November

Glass South America Postponed to November

Due to the current situation with the Corona virus worldwide, the organisers have decided to postpone the event from June to later this year
Glass South America is the most important event of the glass industry in Latin America, and it gathers qualified professionals of the market industry who are looking for new technologies, suppliers and networking.
Focused on technology and design for civil construction, architecture, furniture and automotive industry, the fair presents the best in glass applications, machines, equipment and accessories.


With a dynamic schedule, Glass South America provides a full experience of updating and training to the visitors

Glass Performance Days South America (GPD SAME) is a forum dedicated to the development of glass global industry through education.

Nowadays, the conferences are organized in Finland, China, and Brazil. The success factors of Glass Performance Days are achieved through meeting of great specialists to discuss about business in a great environment to the birth, sharing, and debate of ideas. The event discusses their practical experiences, turning them into real applications in the industry faster than in any other way.
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Experiences that happen every hour during the fair for the visitors, Vidro em Ação brings the best and most up to date about applicability in different types of glass. Glaziers, architects, and industry professionals watch and participate in tests carried out live and safely, exactly as determined by Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) and the regulations of Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia (Inmetro).

Vidro em Ação is an initiative by Abravidro in partnership with Nürnberg Messe
Italian Pavilion

Reference in the glass industry machinery, Italian Pavilion is the fair’s highlight to visitors looking for news from the Italian market and the experience of learning and seeing how the machines work.

For the next edition, the pavilion will show a higher number of brands.

20.03.2020, NürnbergMesse Brazil

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