Glass Futures has won a £7.1 million contract from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to provide an in-depth investigation into decarbonising the sector using sustainable alternative fuel sources.
Glass Futures are looking at innovative scenarios in order to to decarbonise the glass manufacturing process in line with “Net Zero” targets.
The study and subsequent report will highlight what can and cannot be done on different production platforms in glass manufacturing and will influence the most suitable routes for industry and government.
The Glass Futures study, which is due to be completed in March 2021, will investigate and recommend the most cost effective and environmentally efficient routes to decarbonise.
The Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng, Minister of State at BEIS, said: “Reducing emissions from homes and industry is a key part of our work to eliminate our contribution to climate change by 2050.
“This innovative project by Glass Futures is an exciting development and could make a significant impact on our net zero ambitions.”
04.03.2020, Glass Futures
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