Glaston wins order for fast TPS[®] insulating glass line from VELUX

JTJ is a subsidiary of VELUX, and manufactures insulating glass units for roof windows for the VELUX site in Sonneborn and other locations. JTJ is already using three high-speed lines from Bystronic glass for the production of insulating glass units with stainless steel spacers.

"We have been very satisfied with these three Bystronic glass insulating glass lines that we have had in operation already for many years", explains JTJ Managing Director Bernd Kühl. "Due to the increasing demand of triple insulating glass units and after long, in-depth investigations and test phases we are convinced of the TPS® manufacturing process and the quality of the TPS® insulating glass units. Furthermore, the investment in this future-oriented TPS® technology is our clear commitment to Germany as a business location and especially to Sonneborn.”

The B'SPEED TPS® insulating glass line has been individually tailored to the requirements of VELUX. This special system configuration enables very short cycle times, particularly in the production of triple insulating glass units. This guarantees VELUX a very high output of high-quality TPS® insulating glass units.

TPS® stands for Thermo Plastic Spacer and is a spacer system that has been proven a million times over. Bystronic glass, part of the Finnish Glaston Group since April 2019, is the inventor of this «warm edge» technology and introduced this system to the market more than 25 years ago.

For further information, please contact:

Commercial inquiries:
Pekka Hytti, SVP, EMEA, tel. +358 40 5050976

Press and investor inquiries:
Joséphine Mickwitz, VP IR, Communications&Marketing, tel +358 500 5070

Glaston Corporation
Glaston is the glass processing industry’s innovative technology leader supplying equipment, services and solutions to the architectural, automotive, solar and appliance industries. The company also supports the development of emerging technologies integrating intelligence to glass. 

As of April 2019, Bystronic glass is part of Glaston Group. Together we are committed to providing our clients with both the best know-how and the latest technologies in glass processing, with the purpose of building a better tomorrow through safer, smarter, and more energy efficient glass solutions. We operate globally with manufacturing, services and sales offices in 11 countries. Glaston’s shares (GLA1V) are listed on NASDAQ Helsinki Ltd.



12.02.2020, Glaston

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