STÖLZLE announces its corporate name change to Stoelzle

Stoelzle Glass Group can look back on more than 200 years of tradition in glass manufacturing. The first glassworks in Austria were founded in the early 19th century and became the basis and headquarters of the Glass Group today.

Privately owned since the beginning, Stoelzle started to become a European based global player in the 1980’s. Step by step 6 European glass plants (UK, France, Poland and the Czech Republic) were acquired and integrated into the Stoelzle Group. A strong brand with 4 dedicated Business Units developed. In the beginning, each of the sites had different spellings of their company name, using the typical Austrian “ö”, “oe” or just ”o” in the name STOELZLE.

In order to further strengthen the brand, Stoelzle decided to legally establish a coherent style of company names and turned STÖLZLE into STOELZLE.

“Changing our company names was the next logic milestone on our way to be recognized as one strong global brand. All our sites and employees follow the same vision and dedicate their work to the same goal: to be YOUR Prestige Glass Partner”, explains Stoelzle CEO Georg Feith.

The change of the company names came into effect in January 2020 and will not affect in any way the business relations between Stoelzle and their business partners. If customers have any questions or concerns regarding the name change, they may contact their assigned Sales Manager or send a message to

The Stoelzle Glass Group consist of the following production sites and sales companies: Stoelzle Oberglas GmbH, Stoelzle Czestochowa Sp. z.o.o, Stoelzle Wymiarki Sp.z.o.o, Stoelzle Flaconnage Ltd., Stoelzle Union s.r.o., Stoelzle Masnières Parfumerie SAS, Stoelzle Masnières Parfumerie Decoration SAS, Stoelzle Glass LLC, Stoelzle Glass USA Inc., and Stoelzle Glass Italia s.r.l.



12.02.2020, STO

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