During the Spring Festival of 2020, an unexpected new coronavirus epidemic broke out in China. Facing the menacing epidemic, Xinyi Group reacted quickly and immediately initiate a first-level response to major public health emergencies, and actively implemented various measures for epidemic prevention and control.
Hubei Province is the hardest hit area of this epidemic. In order to help Hubei win the fight against new coronavirus epidemic, on Jan.31st, Xinyi Group decided to donate RMB 10 million to Laohekou in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, for the purpose of epidemic prevention and control in that city.
Xinyi Group always adheres to the core value of "Trust, Integrity, Passion, People". When facing epidemics, we take practical actions to repay the society, fulfill our corporate responsibilities, and do our best to support Laohekou in the prevention and control of the epidemic, and to help each other and overcome the difficulties together. Xinyi Group stands together with Laohekou, with Hubei, with China!
06.02.2020, Xinyi
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