Developed to meet evolving industry demands and environmental standards, the new Spectrum R digital ink series is compatible with all Dip-Tech printers
Dip-Tech, a Ferro company, and the world-leading provider of digital ceramic glass printing solutions is proud to announce the release of its new Spectrum R digital ink series, available in black, white, blue, green, red and orange.
The new Spectrum R digital ink series will replace Dip-Tech’s legacy Spectrum inks, which have been used by Dip-Tech customers worldwide over the past 15 years.
Benefits of the new Spectrum R digital inks
Dip-Tech took the R&D initiative to develop a new ink line based on its desire to meet and exceed the evolving industry demands and environmental standards. The new high-performance Spectrum R digital inks are fully compatible with all Dip-Tech printers and provide:
Positive reviews from the glass manufacturing and processing industry
Dip -Tech customers that have already begun using the new inks have been pleased with the performance, generating positive reviews. “Just had an upgrade on the ceramic inks!” posted Nastazia Metaxa, Design and Project Manager at ToughGlaze (UK) on LinkedIn. “Really excited about the results!”
Carloemanuele Pina, administrator of Glassfer (Italy) expressed similar views and expanded: “We are very satisfied with the new inks. We did a 600 m² job on our Dip-Tech NEraD with DMIX and it was printed with no issues. The red and green are much better, probably thanks to the collaboration between Dip -Tech and Ferro on the new series.”
With the release of the new Spectrum R series, the older Spectrum inks will gradually be phased out, with end-of-life expected by July 2020.
For more information, inquiries can be sent to your Ferro’s local service provider or alternatively contact Dip-Tech
13.01.2020, DIP-Tech
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