Lenox Instrument Company, Inc. commemorates its 100th Anniversary, marking the company’s legacy as a leading manufacturer of remote visual inspection/monitoring instruments including borescopes, videoscopes and light sources used for nondestructive testing (NDT) and durable, high-temperature FireSightâ video imaging camera systems for monitoring combustion and other internal processes in boilers, furnaces, kilns, process heaters and incinerators.

[limg01]Lenox would like to sincerely thank our loyal customers, vendors, channel partners, employees and everyone who has supported our business during the last 100 years and enthusiastically look forward to continuing our relationship into the future.

Lenox Instrument Company’s beginnings started in 1920 with the development of the first industrial borescope used for internal inspections of steam turbines and continued into the early ‘40s designing and manufacturing borescopes and periscopes for the war effort. In 1942, Lenox began production of a new borescope for the first nuclear application, the Manhattan Project.

Continued development in the early 1950s and to today led to production of high-temperature lens tube optical systems used in our FireSightâ boiler and furnace camera systems for service in high-temperature, hostile environments. These durable and reliable camera systems, many in service for over 20 years, are being used in power, steel, glass, paper, cement, refinery and waste to energy installations worldwide.

Lenox Instrument Company remains committed to providing our customers with innovative products, supported with our decades of application and product expertise.For more information, please contact Lenox Instrument Company, Inc.,

08.01.2020, Lenox Instrument Company, Inc.

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