Owens-Illinois, Inc. (NYSE:OI), the world’s largest producer of glass packaging, announces its support for new legislation aimed at educating and increasing recycling rates in the United States.
Senators Robert Portman (R-OH) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) have created the “Recycle Enhancements to Collection and Yield through Consumer Learning and Education (RECYCLE) Act of 2019.”
“O-I is thrilled to see bi-partisan legislation that will have an important impact on reducing waste and increasing the availability of recyclable materials, like glass,” said Randolph Burns, O-I’s Global VP of Government Relations.
The RECYCLE Act, administered by the U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPE), is an outreach grant program to inform and educate consumers on which items are accepted in their municipal recycling programs.
Glass packaging is 100% and endlessly recyclable. O-I is the largest user of recycled glass (cullet) and by using it in the manufacturing process to make new glass containers it reduces the amount of energy needed and decreases greenhouse gas emissions.
“We are a global company and can see that other countries are much further ahead than the U.S. in terms of recycling behavior. Europe has had tremendous success, so we know it’s possible. To change consumer habits we must start with education. This legislation provides a needed jolt of energy to jump-start action and momentum,” said Burns.
Non-profits organizations and public-private partnerships will be eligible to apply for funding.
13.12.2019, Owens-Illinois
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